
Giving you the best of everything is our mission, stocking up our local landfill most definitely isn’t. We believe that sustainability is the only way to go, so we’ve made a few promises and we’re going to stick to them.


  • 1. To recycle all glass, paper, cans and plastic.
  • 2. To recycle some of the more unusual things such as batteries, light bulbs and print cartridges.
  • 3. To reuse or donate anything else we don’t need, such as wire coat hangers and lost property.
  • 4. To minimize energy usage by changing linens and towels every three days only, unless you wish more frequent changes.
  • 5. To meet monthly, discuss our progress and constantly look for new ways we can be even Greener (Recycling of food waste is top of the list).
  • 6. To plan to convert more of our lighting to more sustainable energy saving methods.
  • 7. To use automatic sensors to ensure lights are off when no one’s around.
  • 8. To buy the most energy efficient appliances.
  • 9. To recycle cooking oil.
  • 10. To use recycled paper in our offices.
  • 11. To use ecological cleaning products.
  • 12. To use water based paints.
  • 13. To work with city officials on corporate social responsibility initiatives.
  • 14. To partner with suppliers who are environmentally sound.